Теl./fax: (4832) 56-59-38
(4832) 52-19-33
(4832) 57-76-04
Company "ДЕКО", Brjansk
Wastewater treatment
and gas emissions
Banking information company "ДЕКО"
ИНН 3257048289
КПП 325701001
ОГРН 1163256064542
ОКТМО 15701000001
ОКПО 10442696
Р/счет: 40702810111660000001
в Филиале № 3652 ВТБ 24 (ПАО) г. Воронеж.
К/счет: 30101810100000000738
БИК: 042007738
Legal and actual address: 241012, Mr.. Bryansk, str. Kamozina, 41.
General Director: Друцкий Alexey Vasilyevich
Tel/Fax (General Director): (4832) 56-59-38
Tel. Chief accountant: (4832) 57-76-04
Tel/Fax (Deputy General Director): (4832) 52-19-33
Breadth: 53°18′1.15″N (53.300319)
Longitude: 34°17′22.9″E (34.289695)
Register: Certificate of making an entry in the
The unified State register of
legal entities from 22.11.2016г.
a series of 32 №002013644
Certificate of registration
a legal entity with the tax authority
from 22.11.2016 series 32 №002013645
HTTP: www.deko.debryansk.ru
E-mail: dekoform@mail.ru,
- Eng
- Rus